INN634 Week 3

We sit in the classroom listening to the lecturer. Tonight we’ll be looking at personality types in accordance with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). During the week, everyone from the class has been online to complete the MBTI test in order to find out what type they are. According to the test I’m INFP. For a large part of the lecture, the lecturer demonstrates the finer points of the MBTI by group exercises of role playing.

The lecturer explains that the overall purpose of completing the MBTI is to match our types to identified required qualities in the information profession. This is something akin to a Skills Gap Analysis (SGA) as we are to apply this information to determine areas in which we may have a deficiency. Upon identifying these deficiencies, it is supposed that we will use this information to locate areas that we may require fortification. I’m thinking a cross between SGA and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). When all is said and done it boils down to self-discovery and self-improvement which ultimately results in self-empowerment. SD+SI=SE.

Apart from re-reading the material I have to say that I’ve not yet taken any planned action. However, I’d like to point out that I think I’ve become a little more patient and tolerant with others. I’ve also stopped being so automatic in my actions and reactions. I plan a bit more in my head and I strive to work towards MY goals.

For a long time I’ve felt that I’ve had no clear direction. I do things because at the time I found them interesting or I was fitting in with someone else’s notions of what I should be or how I should do things. It’s left me with a rather diverse skill base but no plan of my own. Even starting this course was not entirely my idea. However, I’m here now. So I’m beginning to identify these things in my personality and admit to them. For the last two and a half years I’ve been consciously making changes to myself and my lifestyle in order to make maximum use of my time and skills. It doesn’t always work out but, I believe I’m a better person for my efforts.

This is the definition of life-long learning. We can go and study anything however; the ultimate study is that of oneself. I not advocating a course in advanced naval-gazing but, if we do not take the time to find out who and what we are then how can we know our strengths and weaknesses. Such study is surely what allows us to set achievable goals and then make realistic plans for the realisation of those goals. While I have skills I feel that I’ve been adrift for way too long. I’m not great at planning but that’s not an excuse to not gain the skill. Slow BUT STEADY wins the race.

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Filed under Reflection, Standard Uni Life

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